
Date Event Location
(PDT, UTC-07) (PDT, UTC-07) Chauncey Canfield and Bryant Pearson "Will It Folk?" Weekly Residence BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
 — (PDT, UTC-07)  — (PDT, UTC-07) Weekly Celtic Trad Session hosted by Chauncey and Laura Canfield 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland
(PDT, UTC-07) (PDT, UTC-07) Chauncey Canfield and Bryant Pearson "Will It Folk?" Weekly Residence BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
 — (PDT, UTC-07)  — (PDT, UTC-07) Weekly Celtic Trad Session hosted by Chauncey and Laura Canfield 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland
(PDT, UTC-07) (PDT, UTC-07) Chauncey Canfield and Bryant Pearson "Will It Folk?" Weekly Residence BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
 — (PDT, UTC-07)  — (PDT, UTC-07) Weekly Celtic Trad Session hosted by Chauncey and Laura Canfield 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland
 —  — Chauncey and Laura Canfield: Fiddle and Box Duo BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
(PDT, UTC-07) (PDT, UTC-07) Chauncey Canfield and Bryant Pearson "Will It Folk?" Weekly Residence BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
 — (PDT, UTC-07)  — (PDT, UTC-07) Weekly Celtic Trad Session hosted by Chauncey and Laura Canfield 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland
(PDT, UTC-07) (PDT, UTC-07) Chauncey Canfield and Bryant Pearson "Will It Folk?" Weekly Residence BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
 — (PDT, UTC-07)  — (PDT, UTC-07) Weekly Celtic Trad Session hosted by Chauncey and Laura Canfield 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland
(PDT, UTC-07) (PDT, UTC-07) Chauncey Canfield and Bryant Pearson "Will It Folk?" Weekly Residence BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
 — (PDT, UTC-07)  — (PDT, UTC-07) Weekly Celtic Trad Session hosted by Chauncey and Laura Canfield 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland
(PDT, UTC-07) (PDT, UTC-07) Chauncey Canfield and Bryant Pearson "Will It Folk?" Weekly Residence BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
 — (PDT, UTC-07)  — (PDT, UTC-07) Weekly Celtic Trad Session hosted by Chauncey and Laura Canfield 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland
(PDT, UTC-07) (PDT, UTC-07) Chauncey Canfield and Bryant Pearson "Will It Folk?" Weekly Residence BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
 — (PDT, UTC-07)  — (PDT, UTC-07) Weekly Celtic Trad Session hosted by Chauncey and Laura Canfield 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland
 —  — Chauncey and Laura Canfield: Fiddle and Box Duo BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
(PDT, UTC-07) (PDT, UTC-07) Chauncey Canfield and Bryant Pearson "Will It Folk?" Weekly Residence BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR BenBear's Beers at the Lot, Portland OR
 — (PDT, UTC-07)  — (PDT, UTC-07) Weekly Celtic Trad Session hosted by Chauncey and Laura Canfield 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland 13th Moon Gravity Well, Portland